Sunday, December 2, 2007

What's happening .......

Isaac makes a 'coral reef'....

He loves to make forts or 'coral reefs' and either put his stuffed fish guys in them or get in them himself. He made this huge coral reef while watching Star Wars. I think he was pretending to be an Ewok in hiding.

We had our annual nativity program at church. I performed a flute/violin duo with a sister from church. We did selections from The Nutcracker. Isaac also performed some cute holiday songs with the Primary. He actually sang the songs or at least pretended! They held up these cute snowmen pictures.

Isaac and I made these cute Christmas countdown Santa pictures. It is a picture of Santa and his beard has 24 circles with numbers on them (one for each day leading up to Christmas). Each day you glue a cotton ball on the circle. When Santa's beard is full, it's time for Christmas!! In this photo Isaac is coloring his Santa calendar.

Here is what the Santa photo looks like. Click on it if you would like to link to the picture to make your own!

On Sunday (12/2/07) Isaac drew this picture of our family. He had a little help from Sister Brown, his Primary teacher, with some of the faces but I was quite impressed! He also said the opening prayer in primary and did such a good job!

Baby update....

Not much to update this week. I go to my OB on Monday's. Today's appointment was uneventful. After a tiring week with a very active baby I thought I would have done something, but I stayed the exact same as last week! 30% effaced - that's it. The baby is growing, though, so that's good. I also didn't gain any weight, which is good for me. :) Dr. thinks I will make it through my student teaching, which ends next week. I'll keep everyone updated on my progress.


Anonymous said...

Hey!!! Congratulations on school and the pending baby :) You will have to send me your phone number so I can give you a call sometime.


TroxelTribe said...

I didn't know that you had a blog! I was trying to find a way to get a hold of you since you left a comment on mine saying that Gabi would soon arrive - I wanted to say CONGRATS!! How exciting and I bet you just can't wait!