Thursday, February 14, 2008

Gabriella and Isaac got Valentine's Cards from their Gram and Grampan (with a $1, too). Isaac was especially excited about the Spiderman stamp (and the dollar!).

We went to eat Chinese food as a family.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Here are some things that have gone on lately...

Gabi finally was able to take a bath in her bathtub after her cord fell off:

She turned one month old on 1/26/08. Time sure does go by fast!

She made her church debut and looked so pretty in a dress!

I finally caught her smile on camera!

Gabi and Isaac together at bedtime...

Mohawk woman in her Hook 'Em Horns outfit!!

Also, Gabi seems to have some sort of formula allergy because she has broken out into a horrible rash and has spit up horribly since birth. We first had her on Enfamil Lipil with Iron, then Prosobee and now Nutramigen. If your baby went through something similiar please email me because I am desperate to know what has worked for others! This is frustrating!

Friday, February 1, 2008

While I am so sad that President Hinckley has passed away I am happy for him. At last reunited with his love! Can you imagine the joy he must've felt when he saw her again? I so loved his humor and cute facial expressions. He will be truly missed.

Look at their two cute little gray heads!!

Take a look at CNN's Glen Beck's tribute to President Hinckley: