Thursday, August 21, 2008

The most insane 2 weeks!!

The past two weeks have been so nuts! On Thursday, August 7th, I checked the job listings for the various local school districts in my mad hunt for a teaching job. I had been checking every day, several times each day. I saw a posting for an emergency vacancy for elementary music teacher! I have had a really hard time getting a job due to lack of open positions. I had just about decided that I wouldn't find one this year but alas, there was an opening! I called the principal right away and she agreed to a phone interview the following morning (I told her I was in So. Texas). I was a little unsure that she would even do a phone interview but she didn't have a problem with that. It turns out that she was the principal at the middle school where I did part of my student teaching.

I was on pins and needles waiting for the call. The interview went great. I was offered the job the same day and that meant I had to be at work, in Arkansas, on Monday! I had to pack up the kids and car and drive the 12+ hours home on Sunday. It was hard but we made it at about 2 am. The kids did really well in the car for such a long time. I was sad to be leaving the coast, but very happy to have a job doing exactly what I wanted to do - teaching elementary music!

My first week went well. I left the kids with Ms. Janet, a lady who does an in-home daycare. She was kind enough to take them on a temporary basis, in spite of being full. I had to sit through many meetings. It seemed hard to believe that only a few days prior I was having a bonfire on the beach!

The crazies thing happened, though. After I left a meeting I was making my way to the parking lot of the school and a teacher passed by me and waved. As she did her car BURST INTO FLAMES!!!!!!! It was the craziest thing I have ever seen! She got out of the car okay, but the car engulfed in flames and the fire dept had to come put the fire out. It was really scary and she was lucky to get out alive. I was sure the car would explode but the fire dept managed to make it there in time.

I am teaching at 2 different elementary schools. At one I am there 2 days per week and I have my own room. At the other school I am there 3 days and have no room, but go from room to room on a cart. I do have a desk in the multi-purpose room, along with the P.E. and art teachers.

This past Monday was officially the first day back for students. It was also the first day of school for Isaac! MY BABY IS GOING TO PRE-K! I can't believe he is so big. I got all choked up the night before when I was watching him sleep. I work way across town so I had to leave for work early. Lemuel had to take Isaac to his first day of school. It was probably better that way because I would have bawled! Lemuel said that Isaac just went right in and didn't look back. :) (we had gone to the open house a few days prior, which I think helped).
Here are some photos of me and Isaac on our first day of school!

That afternoon I came down with a fever and Isaac started throwing up. Gabi also had diarrhea. So our 2nd day of school I had to call in (yikes) and Isaac had to miss! I managed to get well enough to miss only one day of work, but Isaac has been out the entire week with puke and poop (Gabi, too). Lemuel has been such a big help taking care of the kids while I am at school.

My kids have never been sick before (except for a minor cold) so this has been an awful week! We are getting better now, though. I was fortunate to not have to start teaching until next week (so the kids could get used to their regular classes).

I am exhausted!!
Here are some photos of my new music room!


Anonymous said...

WOOOO HOOO!!!! Yea for a job and yea for your cute music room!! And especially yea for Ms. Janet! lol

Glad you guys are feeling better. Count your blessings that this was your kids' first illness!! Sicko babies are NOT FUN! :o)

Anonymous said...

Missed you at church today - are you guys still sick? We all need to get together, I miss getting to see you!

TroxelTribe said...

Wahoo - a job! :) That's great! Your classroom looks great btw.