Gabriella had her 2 month checkup and shots today, even though she is really a 2.5 months old! I have a very tall girl! She was 20.5" at birth and today she measured 25". She is the 97% for height and 50% for weight. She weighed 11 lb 13 oz on Feb 8th and was the same weight today (but it was a different scale this time and last time she had clothes on).
I told Dr about her terrible reflux attacks and that I want to see a pediatric GI. He suggested switching her formula again first to see if it will help. She's on the Alimentum right now and he wants to try her on Enfamil A.R. He said if the spitting up (and reflux) spells stop, and the rash stays away, the problem is reflux, not a milk allergy. If she starts puking more and gets a worse rash then it's a milk allergy and he will change her reflux meds or have me see a ped. G.I. I just opened a can of Alimentum so I'm going to use it first. I hate to waste a $27 can of formula. We'll see what happens.
The shots were bad but not as terrible as I anticipated. She got over it quickly and has been fine since.
Here she is with me before the Dr. came in...
Isaac was so worried about her getting shots. He had to inspect her boo-boos. He liked her band aids she had on. You'd never know her legs had been all shot up, as smiley as she was! _______________________
We had a rare snow this past weekend. I don't remember it ever snowing in March in AR. Isaac was super excited to play in the snow. We walked all over our apt. complex. Lemuel stayed in with Gabi most of the time, but we traded for a bit so he could go out in the snow, too.
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