This past week Gabi had many firsts. On Monday (6-9-08) Gabi started her first solid foods. I gave her oatmeal with banana and she liked it!! I could tell she was ready for solids when she opened her mouth when she saw me eating a Snickers bar! I have been letting her taste some things in the past couple of weeks, like lick my banana, which she enjoyed. Isaac hated his solids at first (not anymore!) so I was pleased that Gabi liked hers.
Another first was on Wednesday (6-11-08) when she had her first experience at the swimming pool! We took her to Wild River Country. She was unsure about the whole thing at first, I could tell by her face. I just sat her on my lap, on the edge of the pool, and dangled her legs in the water. She was alright until someone ran by and splashed her! She cried and cried and I could only calm her when I gave her a bottle. Her feelings were totally hurt! Once she was fed she was in a better mood and she liked the water much better! She sat in the Johnny Jump Up and even let me sit on the pool floor with her and she played in the water.
On Thursday (6-12-08) Gabi finally rolled from her back to her tummy. She first rolled from tummy to back in May so it took her about a month. She had to really work for it but she finally did it! Lemuel told me that the next day he saw her roll from tummy to back and back to tummy so I guess she's got that mastered!
Isaac also had a first this week. While at Wild River Country he begged me to take him down the water slide for kids. I tried to convince him to go by himself but he insisted I go with him. I was surprised he even wanted to go at all. Two years ago when we were last there he wouldn't even go down the 3 ft baby slide, let alone a water slide. I did manage to take him down once that year but he was scared. I guess he secretly liked it because he reminded me about it and made me take him down. After we went down the first time together I talked him into going alone and he did it! All by himself! I was so proud of him for being so brave! He even carried that huge inner tube up the hill and stairs all by himself! I was so proud and happy for him, yet so sad inside for me because my baby is growing up too fast! It was a bittersweet moment.
Here are some photos of our week of firsts:
Gabi tastes her first solids: Oatmeal with bananas!
Yummy, this is good stuff!
Gabi chills in the stroller at the pool. She looked so cute in her swimsuit!
Isaac and Gabi (aka Popeye) at the pool!
"This isn't so bad!"
Gabi chills in the water
Isaac rides down the slide all by himself! Look at his face of total glee!
A Slow Cooker Thanksgiving
1 month ago
Very cool! What busy week for you guys :) Ahh, the kids are so cute and what a fun time at the water park!
Your kiddos are getting so big! Sherry, Zac and I are taking our kids to WRC tomorrow - cross your fingers for us!
Does Duo Desto travel to Dallas? lol
We're not quite sure what our plans are. We debated about seeling the house if we try to stay here, but selling it will allow us to pay off all of our credit card debt. So we'll be back at square one with just student loan debt. (stupid student loans) But, then we can start 'fresh' and see what Heavenly Father has in store for us. I just need to put myself on His timetable...I have a tendency to be a bit impatient. :o/
Yeah for firsts!It's amazing how fast kids grow up. That water park looks like so much fun. I'm sorry I am doing this on your blog, but I can't find your number. This is just a reminder that Isaac has been asked to give a 1-2 minute talk this Sunday. You are more than welcome to come. Closing Exercises begin at 12:40. Thank you. Natalie Backus
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